| 1. | This is an annual festival to feel africa more familiar to us 今年也将举行每年惯例举行的非洲庆典。 |
| 2. | 5 devotees walk barefoot across red - hot embers in an annual festival 在一个常年的节日里,信徒赤足走过烧得火红的炭上 |
| 3. | Rather than a competition , the annual festival became a showcase for american films 每年一度的电影节已经不仅仅是一场比赛,而是成了美国电影的展示会。 |
| 4. | The exhibition coincided with the local new year holiday , which is nepal s most important annual festival 活动期间适逢尼国除夕及过年,是他们一年一度最重要的节日。 |
| 5. | For the past four years , avant - garde artists in beijing have staged an annual festival in a cluster of disused 1950s - era factories 在过去的四年中,北京的先锋艺术家们在一串被废弃的50年代工厂中每年举办文化节。 |
| 6. | For the past four years , avant - garde artists in beijing have staged an annual festival in a cluster of disused 1950s - era factories 过去四年,前卫艺术家们每年都在北京举办一次艺术节,地点设在一批建于20世纪50年代,现已闲置的厂房里。 |
| 7. | Indian animal rights activists said tuesday they had rescued about 50 snakes from cruel treatment by their owners during an annual festival 8月13日是印度一年一度的蛇节,印度的动物权力保护者称,他们在这一天解救了大约50条蛇,使得它们得以脱离苦海。 |
| 8. | Snow and ice sculpture in harbin dates back to manchu times , but the first organized show was held in 1963 , and the annual festival itself only started in 1985 哈尔滨的冰雪雕刻要追溯到满清时期,而第一次组织展览是在1963年,每年的冰雪节则是从1985年开始的。 |
| 9. | Both amateur and professional filmmakers were invited to submit works to a panel of nationally - renowned critics who selected the best films for competition in the annual festival 不管是专业的还是业余的电影制片人都收到邀请要求他们把作品交给一个由国内著名批评家组成的评审团以选出每年一度的最佳影片。 |
| 10. | The ban was lifted about a month ahead of basant , an annual festival that heralds spring and is marked by flying colorful kites in the eastern province of punjab and its capital , lahore 这项禁令是在风筝节前一个月解除,该节日是预示春天来临的年度庆典,透过在东部旁遮普省与其省会拉合尔飘放颜色鲜?的风筝来庆祝。 |